Tao Meditation
-The name we give to our retreats and practices. Sitting, moving, standing still, lying down and interacting-all are functions where you can practice your clear, calm awareness.
The highly experienced and expert Ram Chatlani leads the retreats.
Our proposal is simple yet impactful. Any form-qigong, sitting or standing meditation, tao yoga, tai chi, ba gua can be the framework in which to glimpse the essence of Tao. It’s another way to describe the most natural state.
During all retreats a glimpse or more will be pointed out: how to bring the Tao into your life. What is it? The Tao is all things and nothing in particular. We choose to emphasise simplicity, well being, kindness to self and others.
Qigong/chi gung
a complete range of forms from very simple ways to move energy in the body to more esoteric methods that support longevity, strong health, clear mind, smooth emotions.
Tao yoga
or “dao-in” is the name given to an ancient series of movements that begin where hatha yoga ends-in stillness. The movements are mostly easy, people of all abilities will find them useful.
A move from tao yoga series 1
Mountain sitting. Shortly after sunrise during a retreat at Tourné.
A more challenging posture form the tao yoga series.
Autumn qigong in the garden
Qigong practice in the winter dojo.
A move from north star qigong, a favourite retreat subject.